Friday, September 28, 2007

Kasay the Wonder Dog

Number of entries received for the 2008 InnermoonLit Award for Best First Chapter of a Novel to date: 16

You may have noticed Kasay’s Harry Potterish scar in the last dog entry and might be a tad curious about its origins. That means it’s flashback time.

When Kasay was pulled off death row by the wonderful folks at Crossroads Animal Rescue, he had what appeared to be some small wounds on his back. His loving foster mom, Julie, took him to the vet for treatment. As the techs shaved Kasay’s fur to treat the wounds, they discovered extensive infection. More and more of the skin fell away, and before long, the majority of his back was one big open wound. The diagnosis wasn’t conclusive, and we’re still not sure if it was a chemical or sun burn, spider bite, or infected bite from another dog. Julie and her family spent two months tirelessly nursing Kasay back to health.

Here he is all shaved and bandaged and coned up.

When we adopted Kasay, the wound was about 90% closed up. He had to sleep wearing his cone for a short time and was always cooperative about letting us disinfect and care for the wound.

Most of his fur grew back, but he still has this distinctive battle scar to remind us that he is a courageous warrior with amazing powers of regeneration.

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