Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Moonlit booty

Number of entries received for the 2007 InnermoonLit Award for Best Short-Short Story to date: 40

It's semiannual prize distribution day around here. I went to the post office to purchase the money orders and send out this loot earlier today.

Brian wanted to send Rita Hubbard, our third place winner, a copy of Morning Glory's Long Lost Order of Worship since it's his most recent novel, but then we realized we are fresh out of copies. We decided to send her Shadow Clock, and I think she'll get a kick out of it. It's everything you want in a summertime read: heavy on the suspense and mystery with well-placed dashes of humor and a steamy oceanfront setting.

Prizes should find their way to their rightful owners in a few days. Winners, enjoy! Everybody else, submit again.

Submissions for the short-short story contest have slowed down, so I decided to post a tally of submissions received at the start of each blog entry. Right now, you have about a 1 in 13 chance of winning! I know, the September 1 deadline seems ages away, but you know how fast summer goes by. Submit now so you don't have to remind yourself about it later.

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